Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Liking is for Cowards, Go for What Hurts." Jon Franzen

    This essay is about the possible threat that technology poses on true love. Franzen seems to believe that technology is changing our view of, thoughts about, and even love itself. He talks about how technology is so fast now-a-days and how people can get what they want immediately. He brings up the idea of "the next big thing", meaning that even if one piece of technology is sufficient , if another comes out that seems more advanced, many people will buy it because it is more appealing. This goes against love, because it shows people trying to find the perfect match, but there truly is no such thing as a perfect match. If people begin to treat love the same as technology, then love will be in danger at all times.
   I do not believe that what Franzen is arguing is correct. Things that come from technology may be harmful to love, but not the technology itself. However, people do not treat their loved ones the way he describes in this article. He talks about how we just toss aside old phones in this day for a newer and better one. However, people now-a-days do that no more than they did many years ago, if not less. People may find someone better, and go with them, but it is not as common as with phones.
   How exactly does the title relate to his argument?

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