"The Communist Manifesto" is a pamphlet that is 21 pages long, and it attacks capitalism and makes an argument for communism. They talk about how the industrial revolution has drastically increased the barrier between the bourgeoisie and the factory owners. The bourgeoisie became extremely poor and the factory owners became extremely wealthy. They say that capitalism is made in order to deliberately allow corruption and for the powerful to be rich. They also mention that the artistic ways of making clothes, shoes, and etc. has been changed into the factory system where everything is the same and does not involve any form of individuality. They are saying that with the communist government, everyone will live better and more fairly, and everything will be provided for the people.
One major problem with the communist system is that there would be little to no initiative. In a capitalist society, many inventions and accomplishments are based on the fact that people know they will get money for what they have done, and possibly a significant amount. In the communist system people will never get any more or less for what they do, so Scientists, engineers, doctors, and everyone else as well may not care to make or do anything spectacular, because they will receive nothing more than usual.
What is the difference betweeen Socialism and Communism?
More detail problems here, Nick. 1) The bourgeoisie ARE the factory owners, and 2) the push of Communism is not to have a ruling Communist government, but to have a government that is truly Communist, which is to say, a true and unadulterated voice of the people. Lastly, the Communists level the same critique on Capitalists: the workers are crushed and stripped of their art and humanity...they are all the same in their oppression. This, they argue, eliminates the drive to excel or succeed because excellence does not help you escape your condition...and even if you DID rise in the ranks of the industrial system, you're STILL perpetuating the same evils. There is no escape, the Communists argue, and no incentive or avenue for improvement. They would argue that true Communism is the ONLY thing that could incentivize excellence, as excellence in any field raises the quality of life for all. Be sure to respond to Marx and Engels here--not what others SAY about Marx and Engels. This WILL be the kind of trap the AP exam lays for you!